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The alien, the lie collection is showing the transformation of human beings over a 2903040 period in time within the 4th, 5th and 6th human dimensional cycles. These human dimensional cycles can teach us how much a human being can change over time due to upgrades within their DNA and increased levels of consciousness and awareness. The collection shows that over long periods of time how unrecognisable a human being can actually become giving them an alien look appearance to the humans experiencing time in the past. The real aliens are simply higher-self versions of our souls operating in the non visible light spectrum with more strands of DNA activated. The butterflies in the digital art are associated with change and transformation. Human beings go through change and transformation (death and rebirth) daily and also on a much longer time scale known as a human dimensional cycle. Each cycle lasting 181440 years were their DNA is upgraded so they evolve physically, energetically and consciously. The colours in the digital art which fade in and out (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) are showing the human aura. Humans give off an electromagnetic energy field around the body which are called auras. The aura is associated with the colours of the 7 chakras which can be seen in the non visible light spectrum around the body giving an indication of what type of energy an individual is transmitting and receiving.

2540160-2721600 years


    The alien, the lie collection is comprised of 17 pieces of digital art showing the transformation of human beings over a 2903040 period in time within the the 4th, 5th and 6th human dimensional cycles. These human dimensional cycles can teach us how much a human being can change over time due to upgrades within their DNA and increased levels of consciousness and awareness. The collection shows that over long periods of time how unrecognisable a human being can actually become giving them an alien look appearance to the humans experiencing time in the past. The real aliens are simply higher-self versions of our souls operating in the non visible light spectrum with more strands of DNA activated.

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