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Zodiac signs Virgo and Thoth

23 August - 22 September


Virgo is the maiden identified as the goddess of fertility.


Thoth is the god of learning and is excellent at problem solving.


The piece is showing Virgo and Thoth playing a game of chess in space against each other and analysing each other’s game. The spacemen are being used as their chess pieces in the game, these resemble humanity. The chessboard resembles Earth (The 3rd dimension in the simulation). The darker spaceman resemble Earth's human population known as NPC’s (non player characters). These NPC’s are humans which have been produced by the simulation and have no soul. The lighter spacemen resemble the Earth's population which are humans with a soul experiencing the simulation through reincarnation allowing soul growth.

The spacemen are being reincarnated then instantly placed into Virgo and Thoth's game of chess. This piece is outlining how a soul is reincarnated into the 3D level of consciousness within the simulation which is controlled by the controllers, Virgo and Thoth in this case. This control mechanism is known as the matrix which mankind through manipulation and programming from the government's, education systems, banking, history, wars, politics, language, religion, music and drugs are moved into certain positions on the chessboard without them realising they have been manipulated through these programming systems.


Soon as a soul is reincarnated into a human body in the three dimensional part of the simulation (the cube) they are placed into a controlled theatrical world. Nearly all events that take place on Earth are staged and designed to manipulate humanity to move them into certain positions allowing agendas to play out which only benefit the controllers. These false flag events are staged to keep souls in a low vibrational state of consciousness (blame, hate, guilt, fear) so the controllers can harvest this energy that these souls produce. Be aware of your reality that you are experiencing and question if you are being controlled by a source creating controlled events to keep your consciousness in a lower state of awareness.


Ultimately human souls have all the power not the controllers. All humanity needs to do is see past the illusions of the matrix, analyse their own reality and opt out of the game of chess. 

ANALYSE: Heart Chakra

  • This unique eighty-four piece collection of conscious digital art combines the twelve elements of the zodiac signs and the Egyptian pharaohs signs of the zodiac. Designed with unique messages to lift the individual's level of consciousness and awareness of those who are experiencing the art. Each piece of art plays 432Hz music when the QR code on the art is scanned with a mobile device.

    The Awakening collection consists of the twelve zodiac signs and each piece of art is available in the seven chakra colours. In astrology the sign of the zodiac refers to one of the twelve specific constellations of the zodiac that the sun passes through over the course of a year. 

    A person's sign of the zodiac refers to the one of the twelve constellations the sun was in when they were born. The term "zodiac" comes from the Greek zōidiakos kyklos, meaning "circle of animals", as the constellations through which the ecliptic passes are traditionally represented by animals or mythological creatures.

    Each piece of art in The Awakening collection plays eleven minutes and two seconds of 432Hz music. Listening and playing music that has been produced and tuned to 432Hz has many healing benefits. When listening to 432Hz music it gives you a sense of peace and well being which generates positive effects on the mind and body. Here are some of the key benefits from listening to 432Hz music.

    Activates and repairs DNA and helps to release stress and tension from the body and mind naturally. It unites the body and consciousness with nature. It helps to release serotonin and endorphins which help to control blood pressure, heart rate and improve general health. Lastly it helps to release any negative blockages and toxins in the body. 

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