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Choose your words wisely as they shape your reality. Did you know that the word history actually means his story? Meaning who ever controls the history, a view point from their own perspective controls the minds of the people.
The English language is a very new language which was introduced by the occult during the last 1500-2000 years in the time of Pisces which is the zodiac sign within the Iron Age. The Iron Age is a very low state of consciousness within the 25000 year precession of the zodiac cycle.
The English language uses words that carry low vibrational energy which results in keeping people in a lower state of consciousness within the simulation known as the matrix.


  • Choose your words wisely as they shape your reality. The English language is a very new language which was introduced by the occult during the last 1500-2000 years in the time of Pisces which is the zodiac sign within the Iron Age. The Iron Age is a very low state of consciousness within the 25000 year precession of the zodiac cycle. The English language uses words that carry low vibrational energy which results in keeping people in a lower state of consciousness within the simulation known as the matrix.

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