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Zodiac sign Aquarius and Shu.

20 January-18 February


Aquarius is represented by the Water Bearer.


Shu is the god of the air.


The Earth goes through many cycles and reset events. These cycles and reset events are every 2160 years as Earth's magnetic north (the black sun) passes through each zodiac sign, this is known as the precession of the zodiac. Every 25,920 years there is a major reset once magnetic north has passed through all 12 zodiac signs. Also every 181,440 years when a human dimensional cycle is completed and every 1,270,080 years when a Earth dimensional cycle is completed.


The last major reset event was 12,000 years ago which was the great flood which was recorded in ancient texts from many different cultures on Earth at the time. These resets have happened many times over millions and millions of years and are used as triggering mechanisms to allow the levels of consciousness on Earth to increase or decrease. These increases and decreases in consciousness are important as this is what determines when a soul will incarcerate onto Earth to experience that energy.


The Earth is conscious and goes through 7 cycles over millions and millions of years. These cycles are very similar to the 7 chakras human beings have in their bodies. The Earth's first cycle is the root cycle which is just like the first human chakra which is located at the bottom of the spine known as the root chakra.


Human beings which are living on Earth require their consciousness to match Earth's consciousness. When there is a reset event on Earth many human beings could possibly die due to this event as their consciousness no longer matches Earth's. These reset events are design to start a new consciousness cycle and Earth is wiping the slate clean which means only the humans which match Earth's level of consciousness will survive. The humans that don’t match Earth's level of consciousness will exit the simulation over time. 


The piece is showing a reset event which is known as the great flood. Shu is flooding the Earth with water (new consciousness) from a water bearer. The souls shown as the spacemen which don’t match Earth's level of consciousness are exiting the simulation and are going back into the network of the simulation to begin a new reincarnation cycle. Shu was believed to hold up the firmament above and around the Earth which separated Earth from outer space which is made of a fluidly liquid like water which is on the other side of the firmament. 


Remember as above, so below, as below, so above.

NETWORK: Root Chakra

  • This unique eighty-four piece collection of conscious digital art combines the twelve elements of the zodiac signs and the Egyptian pharaohs signs of the zodiac. Designed with unique messages to lift the individual's level of consciousness and awareness of those who are experiencing the art. Each piece of art plays 432Hz music when the QR code on the art is scanned with a mobile device.

    The Awakening collection consists of the twelve zodiac signs and each piece of art is available in the seven chakra colours. In astrology the sign of the zodiac refers to one of the twelve specific constellations of the zodiac that the sun passes through over the course of a year. 

    A person's sign of the zodiac refers to the one of the twelve constellations the sun was in when they were born. The term "zodiac" comes from the Greek zōidiakos kyklos, meaning "circle of animals", as the constellations through which the ecliptic passes are traditionally represented by animals or mythological creatures.

    Each piece of art in The Awakening collection plays eleven minutes and two seconds of 432Hz music. Listening and playing music that has been produced and tuned to 432Hz has many healing benefits. When listening to 432Hz music it gives you a sense of peace and well being which generates positive effects on the mind and body. Here are some of the key benefits from listening to 432Hz music.

    Activates and repairs DNA and helps to release stress and tension from the body and mind naturally. It unites the body and consciousness with nature. It helps to release serotonin and endorphins which help to control blood pressure, heart rate and improve general health. Lastly it helps to release any negative blockages and toxins in the body. 

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