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The fallen angels also known as the Watchers are the angels who decided to rebel against God, together with Lucifer they were cast out of the heavens (higher dimensions). They were initially faithful to God but at some point, they began to see themselves as gods and became jealous of humans. They are known as fallen angels who then went on to produce their offspring giants called the Nephilim that walked on the Earth for over a million years. The Watchers helped humanity for over a million years teaching them many things and aiding them with their development. Some of the Watchers though became jealous of humanity, because humans have access to the full 12 strands of DNA and their souls have the ability to reincarnate over and over again into the simulation to experience different levels of consciousness. The Watchers do not have the ability to do this because they are immortal and their job is to serve God by looking after all the dimensions within the simulation. So 200 of the Watchers decided to rebel against God to become gods themselves. These angels wanted to incarcerate onto Earth so they started possessing human men and taking the human women for themselves to father their own children which were known as the Nephilim. The fallen angels mission was to mix their own DNA with the human DNA. These hybrid human Nephilim grew into giants which then walked upon the Earth for around a million years. There were many wars between the humans and the giants during this time and eventually when the simulation was reset by the great flood these giants were destroyed along with millions of humans. God then banished the fallen angels that created the Nephilim into a dimension where they could not cause any more harm to humanity. Some of these Nephilim bloodlines survived the great flood and still to this day they are raging a war against humanity trying to control them and alter their DNA so they can incarnate their own consciousness back into the 3rd dimension of the simulation.



  • The fallen angels also known as the Watchers are the angels who decided to rebel against God, together with Lucifer they were cast out of the heavens (higher dimensions). They were initially faithful to God but at some point, they began to see themselves as gods and became jealous of humans. They are known as fallen angels who then went on to produce their offspring giants called the Nephilim that walked on the Earth for over a million years.

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