Open the green door. This is the forth primary chakra inside the body and is located at the middle of the chest and is the colour green. This chakra is associated with love for oneself, love for all beings on Earth, compassion and forgiveness towards others. This chakra is associated with the 4D level of consciousness and is split into two parts the lower 4D and the higher 4D. Lower 4D is when the soul becomes aware of the concept of time and can allow its consciousness to perceive the past, the present and the future whilst being in the present. The 4D higher is achieved once the soul achieves self love and showing love, forgiveness and compassion for all beings on Earth.
The Heart Chakra
The Opening Doors collection is based upon the thirteen chakra system which is available for human consciousness to experience and explore through meditation. Opening each door leads to an increased level of consciousness and spiritual growth.